The Overclock values in Windows and Linux-based Operating systems are different.

to mine:- ETH+ton using RTX 3060ti LHR and RTX 3070ti- ETC using rx 570 4gb- Sero using GTX 1650 super It enables the modification of previously read BIOS files (using HiveOs or other mining OS) and reading the BIOS from the graphics card installed in the system, then automatic backup, file modification and flash memory using the … DA: 9 PA: 61 MOZ Rank: 50. If so, may I ask on which OS and driver? 1x 3080 TI (GPU 0 LHR)-lhr_tune1 -3-lock_cclock 1200 -mclock 1000 -fan 65 GPU 0 - AVG 81. Use “nvidia-driver-update –list” on Hive OS to get the list of available drivers. lhr-mode 1 is suitable for only power limit bounded GPU, can achieve higher hashrate than mode 2 -lhr-mode 2 is able to achieve lower average power and temperature. This article will provide you with the information on how to overclock your Nvidia RTX 3080 graphics card for a best performance and Hashrate/Watt efficiency. If you have top variants of GTX 1080 Ti, Gigabyte Aourus Extreme Edition, Zotac Amp Extreme Edition,etc.